Sales Person Traits

 If you are a Salesman, then you should always fulfill the need to make the Sale. Therefore, it is worth knowing the answer of this question “What Customers Usually Need to Find in Their Salesman?”  
know your enemies
 1.Independent Thinking 
Customers want to know that you'll represent their interests, even it's not in your own financial interest. So they expect you to sense their situation, Think for their behalf and take the correct and most beneficial decision for them (Even if it will make you sell less).

Customers don't have the time to sit and listen to long boring presentations about how great your product is!! However, they always have time for somebody who can redefine problems and devise workable solutions with new ideas (which should be matching with your product to sell it).

Customers want to know that you can be trusted to do the right thing. They expect you to tell them if buying what you're selling is a mistake, or it will not benefit them as they think it will. 
Create fresh looks
The best customers don't want you to truckle and beg. Because they trust you to deliver, they want to work with proud, successful people who can handle even the most difficult tasks. Be always Pride of yourself, your product and your company, but of Course be Pride and also Polite to get the sale.

Customers want you to see the situation from their perspective. They want you to understand where they are, how their business works, and the challenges that they face--not just intellectually, but in your gut-- You really need to Care about them and about their business in the bottom of your heart, when you really care it shows and customers can sense it.

Above all, customers want you to be honest with them. In fact, the previous six values are built upon a foundation of honesty. Without honesty, you have absolutely nothing to offer any customer. So Always be sure that you can deliver what you promise, and once you promise the customer then you have to deliver.
Finally, these are some basic ideas about how to be the winning salesman for your customers, Do this and you will have much better opportunity to close than other Salesmen competing with you.

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