What is Career Control Module?

  • Softex Career Control is an ultimately reliable online back office and backbone for recruitment agencies, HR Departments, Training Centers, and educational organizations that provide students with training programs and employment services.
  • Softex Career Control solution is one of the most advanced online systems in processing candidates’ data. The solution offers a large CV bank suitable for medium & large organizations.
  • Softex Career Control provides Cost Efficiency for managing candidates’ and clients’ data in large robust online Human Resources fields and hence is suitable for sharing CVs across several branches and locations organization.

Why Choose Career Control?

  • Search and upload enormous number of CVs saving effort and time with Career Control CV bank.
  • Detailed CV structure, ensuring you have a sufficient level of details to make informed employee selections.
  • Career Control search engine is designed specifically to cover each detail to provide you with exact matches through large numbers of candidate CV.
  • Career Control simplicity of use allows both novice and professional data entry personnel to perform their jobs easily & effectively.