Great Tips How to Use YouTube Effectively in Business Part I


 Great Tips To Use YouTube For Your

Business: Part I

YouTube’s not just for posting videos of sleepwalking dogs and funny moments. It can also be used as a highly effective business tool.

You can use it to show off your expertise, share knowledge, market your products and connect with customers, colleagues and prospects. Know how with these simple tips:

 Set up a channel to reflect your brand and engage with others.
 2.  Make sure your content fills a relevant need.

 3. Add your channel URL to marketing collateral and social network profiles.

 4. Develop videos that are engaging and professional; make sure your video has a purpose, and keep it simple and         short (2-4 minutes).

 5. Choose smart keywords suitable to your video to optmize its can simply put the keyword in the title          and description.

 to be continued...